SA Power Networks have taken delivery of two x 35kN Bull Wheel Winches. One will be located in their Elizabeth depot and the other will be in St Marys Depot, Adelaide. These winches are specially designed for hauling underground cable and were provided with extended drop-down fairlead guide enabling the hauling cable to be dropped down into the trench for easy access when hauling cable through ducts. The machines were also provided with radio remote control and large size display which can easily be read from a distance of up to 50 metres. The machines were also provided with a specially designed fairlead that oscillates backwards and forwards +/- 10°. This means that the trailer doesn’t have to be lined up perfectly with the trench for hauling operations. These trailers are a well developed product which have been manufactured for more than 20 years. Design enhancements have made the machine easier to use and more versatile for SA Power Networks application.
Photo (from left to right):
Joe Maio (SA Power Networks), Mick Taskas (SA Power Networks), David Weaver (Redmond Gary), Peter Calvert (SA Power Networks)