A big congratulations to Sheryl Welson our Receptionist who is celebrating 15 years with Redmond Gary Australia. To commemorate this milestone, Andrew and Gary presented her with a stunning dragon pendant over a long lunch as she has a love for dragons. Sheryl is an integral part of our Admin team and from everyone at RG, we wish her another …
New Model ABC Single Drum Trailer (October 2019)
Redmond Gary Australia have designed and manufactured six new Single Drum ABC Trailers with dual axle design. This type of trailer has been manufactured by Redmond Gary Australia for more than 20 years, but with single axle configuration. Essential Energy have had problems with towbar downforce on some of their single axle trailers, especially trailers of smaller size towed behind …
Energex Takes Delivery of Truck-Mounted 10kN 3-Drum Winch (October 2019)
This Winch is similar to the 10kN 3-Drum Skid-Mount Winch, except that it is permanently fixed to the truck chassis. A gearbox power take off (PTO) is used to drive the hydraulic pump. Not having a stand-alone diesel engine and hydraulic power pack, it has made available extra space for other items and equipment. This unit is provided with additional …
Redmond Gary Australia displays Cable Pusher at ICUEE 2019 (October 2019)
Redmond Gary Australia in conjunction with Hogg & Davis, the agent for Cable Pushers in USA and Canada have displayed a Cable Pusher at The International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition (ICUEE) held in Louisville, Kentucky. ICUEE is the utility industry’s largest trade show in America, covering 30+ acres of indoor and outdoor exhibits and bringing together more than 19,000 …
Connexis Annual Connection Line Mechanic and Cable Jointer Competition, Hawkes Bay NZ (September 2019)
Steinmetz Industrial Systems is the distributor in New Zealand for Redmond Gary Australia. They exhibited at the Connexis Annual Connection Line Mechanic and Cable Jointer Competition held in Hawkes Bay Regional Sports Park between 24 – 26 September. Redmond Gary have been honored to be associated with this competition for the past 8 years. On the first day prior to …