Innovative New Equipment – Safe Way to Remove Poles (October, 2009)

Redmond Gary Australia has demonstrated the first Pole Extractor to Energy Australia. This innovative new design makes it possible to control the lifting and extraction of poles eliminating the need to use manual equipment such as pole jacks, significantly reducing risks to personnel that were associated with old fashioned techniques. The new system also protects the crane borer from potential damage during the removal of poles.

The pole extractor makes it possible to remove poles with a lifting force of up to 50,000kg. The machine also weighs the pole so that the crane borer operator knows the load. This allows the crane borer operator to always know the weight of the load and be compliant with the basic requirements of Workplace Health and Safety.

Design of this new equipment has come about as a result of cooperation between Redmond Gary Australia and several major electricity authorities. Design and building of the first machine has taken approx. 18 months. Redmond Gary Australia had a 4-man design team together with one mechanical engineer full time to evaluate different design concepts and carry out engineering analysis including finite element analysis to fully engineer the machine prior to production. The first machine purchased by Wayne Atkins, Fleet Manager for Energy Australia takes Energy Australia to the forefront of safety in the field of pole removal.