New Autostrada Digital Switching System to be Rolled Out for Ergon and Energex Truck Mounted Fleet (November, 2018)

Redmond Gary Australia, in conjunction with Energy Queensland, Brisbane Isuzu and Autostrada have manufactured the first TL17M for Ergon Energy. It is not only the first TL series MEWP (Mobile Elevating Work Platform) manufactured for Ergon, it is also the first MEWP to be equipped with TeLink: the new digital switching system from Autostrada.

TeLink is expected to be rolled out for the majority of cab chassis in Energex and Ergon’s fleets. Not just for their MEWPs but also for the complete range of truck mounted equipment including crane borers, line trucks, etc.

Some of the functions the system offers are as follows:
1.Provides an intuitive touch screen user interface
2.Collects data from the vehicle CAN bus such as speed, rpm etc. This information is then used to perform advanced control functions. eg: the beacon lights are turned off automatically when the vehicle speed exceeds 15km/h.
3.Control of the beacons, work lights, deck light and additional truck driving lights
4.Provides Plant Body Not Stowed and Service Body Not Stowed audible and visual alarms
5.Other warnings & alarms based on data from various nodes of the TeLink system
6. Main and Auxiliary battery icons to display the status of each battery
7.Allows the operator to link the Main and Auxiliary batteries together
8.Ability to display training or operational videos of the vehicle and plant
9.Display uploaded documents relevant to vehicle and plant

The Autostrada system is easy to operate thanks to a simple and clear user interface. Ergon and Energex engineers have put a lot of work and expertise into this system and are eagerly awaiting the rollout.